Thursday, November 11, 2010

Challenge Accepted!

sweatshirt & earrings via payhalf
F21 skirt & necklaces
Civico 10 boots
Thrifted Gap blazer

I've had this thrifted velvet blazer for awhile now. I saw it and thought it was too good to leave behind. Here's where the problem lies, every time I tried to wear it I looked like I was heading to the office. Fail. Anyway, I finally found a way to wear it. Ta da!

I'm out *drops mic*,



simplychic said...

i have that same problem when i wear blazers, but i continue to wear them AND buy them. can't get enough.

agnes said...

magnifique, tu est magnifique, et cette tenue te vas très très bien, j'aime beaucoup the skirt, et le blazer.
Je tiens vraiment à ce que tu lises mon article "with avec tout mon coeur" alors si tu as un moment.....

I really wish that you read my article "with all my heart"

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

Love it! I can see why you would be difficult to dress down that blazer and you've done a great job, looking fantastic x

Confessions Of A City Girl said...

love the blazer. i've been searching for a nice one...

Check out my blog...

ABIGAIL NY said...

Love the outfit! You look so gorgeous! Now following!