Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It's not necessarily the comfort of curling up on the couch and watching movies that makes me a homebody, it's actually the comfort of knowing that I'm free to be myself. No one to judge me (I live alone), no one to answer to; I am me and in my little apartment that is good enough.

The Look Goes As Follows:
Hilfiger robe
gifted tee
F21 leggings
UO slippers
Oscar De La Renta scarf



Lola-Elise said...

Gorgeous scarf, really cooool tee as well! Great blog.
Thanks for your comment.


katie said...

you look so cozy and adorable :)

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

I love being at home too ;) I wear my robe all the time at my house and my bf house! xoxo

Uzii said...

Very cute KJ =)

Jennifer Ortakales said...

I just discovered your blog, it's great! I love your scarf, that's a cute way to tie it...I'm always looking for new ways to tie scarves!!

Hope you'll check out my blog and enter my giveaway!


Anonymous said...

how did you end up making bummy housewear hot?! lol