Friday, December 25, 2009

Awards & DSLR Cameras

****I NEED YOUR HELP! I'm starting to save up for one of those fancy DSLR cameras but I have no idea which to get. Any suggestions would be sweet! I really wouldn't know where to start on my search.

Dudes and dudettes, this is my first blogger award and that's pretty cool. Yes, I'm a dork but that's besides the point. I really love this little blog I have here so the award is, dare I say, special to me :) Thanks Shannon from Dirty Hair Halo for bestowing upon me The Most Glamorous Person Ever Award! haha no no, that wasn't it, it's the Glamorous Blog Award. If you're not familiar with Shannon's blog, check it out because it's really good. She mixes prints and textures and is a pretty amazing dresser. Snazzy, that's the word.

I will in turn present this award (in no particular order) to:

Kelly @ Lions, Tigers & Fashion Oh My! - with her long flowy hair and penchant for diy projects, she is simply fab.

Elaine @ Clothed Much - she's super sweet and super stylish; what more can you ask for?

Dylana @ Nana in Wonderland - I adore her style; she is so effortless.

I hope all is well with everyone. Smooches (yeah I said smooches, get over it)

your bestie for life,


Katrina said...

I love all those ladies:)
amazing blog!


Graham I. Haynes said...

Well I have a Canon Rebel, if that means anything to you. It's pretty reliable, although some of my friends swear by Nikon cameras. I would keep the camera search confined to those 2 companies :)

Elaine said...

Kim, congrats on the award!!! You definitely deserve it!!! Thansk so much for tagging me too :)

Unknown said...

oh i need a new camera too i have absolutely no idea what to get x

DIANA said...

You totally deserve this award your blog is sooooo creative full of amazing and awesome content! You have a great way of writing I feel like your talking to me but its not that your writing has this friendly feel to it so fantastic!! And your style well we don’t need to go into that right? We both know its exquisite, well am soooo happy for you yeeeeaaaaa! said...

ya i was planning on asking my daddy for a DSLR. they are so expensive and big though!

I heard Nikon has some of the best.


The Sound of Lace said...

I recently got the NIKON DSLR D3000 and I LOVE it. Its about $500, but theres a smaller one for like $300. I got it at Target.

follow me at

Blackbird Fly said...

Hey you, go with a Nikon :) They're the best!

Natalie Suarez said...

lovely blog! and yay u like my sister's blog, nana in wonderland! :)))


Anonymous said...

Yayyy congratulations on the award!! xo, Mel

Isabelle said...

Congratulations, my dear!! I know nothing about cameras so I wont even go there ;)

Thanks for the blog recommendations, I hadn't seen these and you gave me new goodies to look at! :D

casey said...

I would suggest the Nikon D40. It's not too expensive, but I've had one for about 3 years and it's never done me wrong. Also, Nikon has way better lenses than Canon, so even if you don't go for the D40 you should still stick to Nikon.

And congratulations on your award! I just stumbled upon your blog, and I'm happy I did :] You've got yourself a new follower.

Anonymous said...

Interesting post... Looks like solid-state memory is really beginning to take off. Hopefully we'll start seeing decreasing solid-state drive prices in the near future. Five dollar 32 gig SDs for your DS flash card... imagine that!

(Posted by Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] OperaV2)