Kimchi Blue briefcase
gifted dress
Thrifted blazer & necklace
Bass loafers
Fred Flare pin
street vendor glasses
Besides taking me to different parts of the city my job as a bookseller also takes me to venues I would never normally go. On Fashion's Night Out I worked at the ultra swanky aka so out of my price range
Judith Leiber boutique on Madison Avenue. The store is absolutely gorgeous; when you enter the main show room you are met by sparkly little clutches behind glass. While working, Molly Sims came in and I was floored by her beauty; she's picture perfect and seemed so friendly. I later went downtown where there was a block party on Bond Street to say hello to a new friend who was working at one of the food tents, he was making Japanese pancakes; I should have tried some.
Side note, it's so overwhelming when the city is in such a blatant cluster f*ck, everyone and I mean everyone was on the streets that night, yikes!